Zuko Qusheka
3 min readJun 11, 2018

Big Boys Don’t Cry

This winter is different.

The past few winters have been cold, but this one feels even colder than normal. An unwelcoming cold, like when you leave a warm bed, in the early morning, and are greeted by a cold floor. Can’t I just roll back into bed?

It’s a bit odd though, because the sun is always out.

I feel this every morning. This cold. This lack of warmth. I feel like going back into bad, carrying on with my third dream and pulling my laptop closer.

But I can’t. I made a decision at the start of the year. A decision that the story of my life would be self-written, and not form part of someone else’s story.

“Society has stereotyped our tears as weakness. What kind of man cries?”

January was the beginning of a journey I’m still on. It’s only June, and I’ve already been through a roller coaster of emotions and experiences. Enough for the year, if I’m quite honest. Big boys don’t cry though, right?

Not really.

I’ve found strength in shedding a tear or two. It doesn’t happen often though. There’s just moments when life feels like it’s just obstacle after obstacle, and you’re wondering when your chance to rest will come. And in those times I remember my mothers teachings; cry for a moment, then keep going.

I’ve cried. Not because I feel defeated or anything. I’ve cried because of the great things I want to shape the world with. I want it that bad that tears roll down when I think of the great things still yet to come that are being hatched in my mind.

Boys do cry.

In silence, late at night when there’s nobody to see us vulnerable. Late at night while we fight emotions. Society has stereotyped our tears as weakness. What kind of man cries?

This kind. The ambitious kind. The emotional kind. The driven to change the world kind. The human kind.

I hope you know it’s fine to cry. But keep moving. Every day. Even when you step on that cold floor, and feel like getting back into bed — keep moving.

“But I’ve learned not only to trust, but to love the process.”

You’ll learn to warm yourself with love. The sun isn’t the only form of watch, in fact take the sun it blinds me. Put it away and leave me with the moon so it can remind me that like how it moves the tides from afar, I have the ability to move mountains and shape minds.

A lot of things would have been easier had I not made that decision earlier in the year. But I’ve learned not only to trust, but to love the process.

Daring greatly and daring to dream is the most important part of life. Why not you? Why not us?